Shucks.. my mouth hurts. It happened a few days ago during my driving lesson. Somehow, i think my body was getting very heaty. As such, the body produces side effect.. chemical reactions if you will. As for myself.. it produced a red rash on either side of my mouth. Its red, inflamed and itchy at the same time. Until that day my mother got me some mouth gel. Thought it would help to do the trick. However, horror upin horror. The next day i woke up.. the skin dried up. It was more red, and now it hurt. SHitz. why did i ever put that cream on in the first place. It felt hot, so that wasn't a good sign Now when i look in the mirror, it looks as if i was burnt at mouth. SO inflamed and red. SHitz. Wish i had makeup to cover up the wound. Bluddy pain.
11:35 PM
Monday, July 18, 2005
This afternoon, one of the most terrible images i have ever seen was displayed on my colleague's email. It was a newspaper clipping of the 1998 racial riots in Indonesia that had hundreds, thousands of chinese indonesians tortured, raped and killed. There were portrait pictures of the girls and next to them, were the snapshots of them being abused ( its doesn't even come close to describing it) and killed in the most inhumane manner. I almost puked when i saw those pictures. Even now, i don't have the appetite to eat. What brings these people to kill and torture can only find its roots in jealousy, hatred for someone different, and fear. Where do these emotions spring forth from? Why do they hate so much? Jealousy may be one reason, but does it constitute the torture of someone else who has in no way caused harm to the other party? Within all these conditions, racism rears its ugly head. Racism brings about all these negative emotions. Racism is the bane of human society, of the civilised world. Yet, in every single human being, there will be, a tiniest drop of racism in each, because every single species will, fear something that is different, anything different. Even in people of the same race, wars between clans and tribes of the same race happen, because everyone wants to survive, no matter who you belong to, cause if you do not share my blood, you are different and are a threat to my survivial and seed. All these can be summed up the word mentioned above. Racism. Racism against different races, against different languages, against different skin, against different castes, against different ideologies... etc. Damn racism. damn its beginnings, damn the emotions that it brings, damn the anger, depression, fear that springs forth from its womb. As for those people who did all those things. My anger cannot but pour forth unto them. Yet forgiveness is called upon. For when Jesus was crucified on the cross, his body all mangled up, beaten, till eyes that looked upon him could see not a human figure, pain screaming everywhere in each and every nerve ending, He looked up to heaven and said" Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." He knows, and sees, and i believe, that His hands comfort those who were inflicted with such horrible pain. For now, I pray that those visions haunt me no more...
8:51 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The horse that i rode, her name'es MAthilda.
Real stubborn though..
10:36 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Riding part 2 Phew! Just came back from a horse riding session in malaysia. Met Fandy and Tommy at Clementi cause Fandy borrowed a car. So off we went to Raffles Country Club to first fetch his friend home and then we headed straight to Woodlands checkpoint. Traffic was such a biatch. Cars waiting here and there to get to through customs. Fortunately, it was rather fast this time going into Malaysia. Had the car parked in a local area before we headed to a shopping centre to get our lunch. It was a first for Fandy to try Genki Sushi there, seeing that most if not all jap restaurants were not halal in Singapore. Cool. The spread however wasn't that impressive. Damn, they had ham slices on rice.. Jap? Alamak. DId a little shopping later on, and Tommy had to buy a little Nike rubber bracelet there. Alamak get a leather one lah...u got so many rubber already, get a leather one!!! I got myself a rather nice neck choaker. Cool, roughly about 10 sing bucks for it. Anyway, it was still raining when we got there, but we decided to still head on to UTM where the stable was. Once there, T and F finished their rojak, and went over to look at the horses. Took a few pics, and after the horses were saddled up, T and me went up the horses.. HAHAHA, T needed a chair so that he could saddle up.. hahaahhaaaaa ANyway, my horse's name was Mathilda, while TOmmy's was Matthew. Hmm these two must be having a scandal, cause damn, i couldn't control Mathilda as she continuously kept following Matthew from the back. Brushed up a little on my trottling, but still couldn't control her properly. After a while, Fandy took over Matthew. Fella was cool, had been riding with Tommy for over a year plus, but still had the skills to trottle. Took a few pics of them riding after Fandy took over Mathilda and Matthew was ridden on by one of the stable boys. THings kinda took a turn for the worse when sensing that Fandy was having trouble controlling Mathilda, she suddenly lunged forward and Fandy fell head first to the ground. SHucks, was trying to take pics with his Digi-cam and saw the whole things through the cam's digital screen. Fortunately Fandy was alright, except that he blanked out when he fell. Finished up and took a ride to Danga Bay. Cool place. Dinner was there and a cheap cheap 1.90 Sing bucks equivalent. Heading back was a headache. GOt stuck in the causeway for almost 1 hour plus, No man's land. Freaking tired. WIll post pics up once i get them ready. Good trip. Anyone interested??