Coulieo LiVes

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What a bluddy lousy week for me, correction, month for me.

This Month was supposed to be happy month for me, cause i'm supposed to take out my braces. Little did i know the horrors that would accompany my happiness. I was charged 250 each for 2 retainers. In addition to that, i had to do fillings, washing, injection, X-rays, and worst of all, a bridge which cost me 1025 dollars. Altogether, $2020 gone, burnt, out of my pocket.

The worst thing was yet to come. See pic below.....

Damn. Yesterday night, my bro wanted to use my car. When he went down, saw this shit. I called the police to make a report and they sent 2 officers down. One of them commented that his seen this incident before, and noticed that the floor was covered in wet cut grass.

They took my statement and advised me to seek the town council for compensation. So this morning, went down to the town council, and asked for an explanation. They called up the contractor and fortunately, was willing to compensate me on the repairs. There goes my tinting for that window. Damn it. The workshop quoted me 99.90 bucks for a replacement, just below my insurance excess. So that means, i have to pay that amount cause insurance won't cover it.

Damn it, think Blue isn't the colour for me. Have been spending like so much on it since i got the ride. Think i'm definitely gonna change the colour....

Oh, and another thing just happened. Was reformatting my Laptop cause it was giving this blue screen of Death? After using the Restore disk, only installed XP office and service Pack 2, then suddenly this had to happen...

Bluddy Hell!! This was the error i was experiencing that caused me to reformat in the first place!!! Hardware Error?? Damn it!!!!!!!!!
Its been working fine since i installed additional RAM like 1 year ago!
Why is this happening to me?!?!?! Its already lost its warranty, So what does this mean? Spend money again1?!?!?! ARGHHHHHH....

12:09 PM

Monday, April 16, 2007

Do you see that? YEah thats my very first retainer. WHat does that mean, it bluddy means my braces are off!!!

4 bluddy years of having metal in my mouth is finally over! NOw a new age has come, yes, the age of plastic.

No more cold, hard wires in my mouth, next comes the beauty of synthetic material. By the way, this exact duplicate copy of my lower teeths cost me $250 bucks. PLASTIC never cost so much!!!!

All in all, everything set me back by $5k!! SHitz. i didn't know modifying my teeth could cost as much as modifying my car... Officially i am declared a poor man. SIgh....

Take heart! At least ur retainers don't look as ugly as those yellow plastic covers that looked like teeth guards on boxers. At least u can talk a little more normal then those wearing the ancient designs... crap, like that will do a whole lotta good to my pocket... :(

7:01 PM

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Was a Johnson's Sticker shop last night. Thought i could finish up the front profile of my ride by adding eyelids and a brembo sticker at the front lip.

Here's Ah Huat, Johnson's bro, in the process of stickin up my brembo stickers... Can see that the headlights aren't as rounded as before??

9:53 PM