Another 8 more days to the exams for semester 1 2007. Wasted 1 whole week on what Yeah... everytime i come back.. i feel so drained. Everybody's experiencing the same thing of course, but unfortunately, sleeping at 2 everyday and waking at 630 and life without exercise isn't exactly healthy. Plus 9 hours of staring at the bluddy computer screen and coming back with another 5 hours of staring at the bluddy computer screen isn't a walk in the park.
Hmm let's do a breakdown...2 to 630 sleep time = 41/2 hours roughly. 630 to 730.. gathering strength and breakfast and lonely toilet break time = 1 hour . From 730 to 835, is travelling time to work = 1 hour. WORK = 830 to 615/30 = 10 hours. Coming back home = 730 = 1 hour. Howz about dinner and bathe?? let's give it ... 730 - 830, 1 hour. rest (recharge from the energy-sapping work) = 1/2 hour. Study time = 9 - 2 = 5 hours. So total = 4 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 24 hours.
SO where's the slot for, free time???
I think i need more time....
ANyway, here's a little pic that i took with my new samsung L700 digital camera... harhar.. i also need retail therapy..