Coulieo LiVes

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This few months have taken a toll on my accounts. 2 Weddings this month, another next. In Dec, going up north to Genting as well. Economic Crisis. Arghhhhhhh!

My parents went to the bank cause they couldn't understand a shit the letter the bank sent regarding their minibonds. Hell, i didn't even understand what they hell they were writing.

The news was that in the end, my parents would get back their principal amount, minus any interest. My colleagues told me.... no way. My parents might not even get back the full amount.

These people are so EVIL. My parents had the initial intention to place their money in fixed deposits, but they (the Bank) came and told them to place their trust in mini-bonds, without highlighting the risks involved.

Now my father is complaining everyday, worrying about his money. My mother is complaining everyday, of my father's complaining. Who do i complain to? My blog.

GOing to gym now. Have to let off some steam. Tuesday's basketball game against this team consisting of Caucasians will require us to use speed vs size. I need my stamina back again.

10:23 AM