Coulieo LiVes

Sunday, October 22, 2006

HUstle and FloW

Well, Came back from a rather inspirational movie called "Hustle and Flow". Went to watch a few friends when i should have been studying at home. Exams in 1 week time. Shit. Heck i shouldn't even be writing this but inspiration hit me....

So what's this show about? Well, ghetto rap is all about the game. I listen to rap music too, once in a while, about how the rappers are talking about living in shit, poverty, and trying to break this cycle. This movie is a direct translation about the things they rap about. TOo bad my friends didn't understand the movie, most of them were sleeping, either due to fatigue or just plain boredom. Well, at least i kinda understood the whole show.

There's this phrase from the movie, "Everybody's gotta have a dream", and its true. The inspiration for the lead character's dream with just one small catalyst, a toy synthesizer. Just one little push, a little toy, changed this whole character's lifestyle. With it, he began to dream dreams, of using his gift as a rapper to climb out of his pimpin lifestyle. This little toy opened his eyes to his goal, to become the rapper that he wasn't.

Everybody needs a catalyst, be it a message, a toy, maybe a book. We all live our lives trying to survive, to adapt to societies ever increasing wants and expectations. Risks are always involved in every decision that we make, and sometimes, our decision doesn't fall into the plans of society, but if we don't do what we want, and dream about, would we be living our lives in vain?

Every person is an individual, our organs working in unison to form this very being, me. With me, there are aspirations and goals. Its how we utilize what we have, our skills, lifestyle, to work around what we want. Adaptability is the key. We are not part of this world. Society shouldn't dictate how we live our lives, we should dictate how we live our lives around Society. We have to mould it to form the world that we want to live in.

You can be living in a slum, eating crumbs that fall from your neighbours flat. We all need a little push, a little encouragement, to set us on this path of self discovery. That's what happened to D-Jay. He had this skill to rap, to envision instances of life's story, and describe it in his words. He didn't want to live the life of a pimp, nor did he want his charges to live theirs the way they lived it.

He brought his own sorrows and pain into his lyrics, with the turning point, this toy synthesizer, and a lady, singing about Jesus in church. He didn't go there on purpose, he was looking for a friend, and happened to listen to the recording. I could see his eyes welling up with tears, and from then on, he sought to change his lifestyle and fulfill his dreams.

Can we go about doing the same as he did? Are we too comfortable in our lifestyle dictated by society? We all have dreams, but, to dare to go about fulfilling it, breaking our comfort zone and stretching out into the dark unknown, it will always remain to be seen. Peace out signing off...

3:22 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Kelisa Modification plans
Change Steering wheels - done

Change Sports Rims - done

Add Rear Spoiler - done

Add Front Lip - done

Add Rear Lip - done

Add Side Skirting - done

Add Strut Bars - done

Add Sticker design - Done

Change Bonnet with Air Scoop - done

Add Voltage Stabilizer - done

Add GNG - done

Add Volt and Vacuum gauges - done


Add Anti-Sway Bars

Add Fenders

Add Tinting

Change Front Grill

Change springs

Change Spark Plugs

Add grounding wires

Add Cool Air Intake

Paint dash-board

11:15 AM